Maureen Andres
Certified School Psychologist
Maureen Andres is a certified school psychologist at Searingtown School in Albertson Long Island, NY. She has been practicing yoga and mindfulness for over ten years. Maureen guides her students in school-wide meditations and school-wide mindfulness assemblies. In September of 2019 Maureen became the leader of Chime Time Mindfulness sessions at the Psychological Health Collaborative. She runs mindfulness groups for children of all ages. She uses mindfulness practice to help children become more aware of their attention, mind and body connection, feelings, thinking patterns, behavioral patterns and their strengths. The children engage in various mindfulness exercises including, guided meditation, active mindful muscle relaxation and mindful coloring. She implements various evidence-based mindfulness curriculum including Mindful Schools and Educate 2B. She continues to “practice what she preaches” and engages in her own mindfulness practice on a daily basis.
Maureen Andres MSEd, Certified School Psychologist – Mindfulness & Yoga Coach